Post by bambi on Jul 20, 2010 12:27:53 GMT -5
...Desmond Oke Calhoun*
*Feel the forest. Feel the forest. *
[/size]*Feel the forest. Feel the forest. *
name Desmond Oke Calhoun
nickname Demon
age 14
gender male
grade 9
hometown New York, New York
sexuality Straight
personification Bambi
status DORMANT
face claim Aaron Kelly
hair color Light brown with mainly blondish highlights.
eye color Green-blue
build Girly and petite
height 5' 7"
clothing style His clothing really varies, but especially likes the light brown colors. He doesn't go for those flashy things that looks so uncomfortable. He preferred things that looked like he just got out of bed and were super comfy.
distinctive traits despite his build when he has to he runs, fast.
personality Curious.
Naturally curious no more needs to be said. Desmond has a natural curiosity to explore things and figure out whats happening. He can't walk away from a big commotion he needs to figure out what is happening, or it will kill him for days wondering what was happening there. His curiosity has gotten him into sticky situations before, and he feels the need to explore everything and find out anything he can about it or him.
Though he is a curious person he still is very timid. When around his friends he won't be the own leading the party or making the first move on a pretty girl. IF you went to a club with him he would be the one standing in the corner looking at his shoes. Only if you invite him to dance with you he will. NOT ONE TO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE.
Although he has an immense curiosity and doesn't seem to get over his shyness. To make it better he is also a wimp, scaredy-cat, whatever you want to call it. He has multiple fears that are even ridiculous, like ferris wheels. He is paranoid and it will get on your nerves after awhile. His fears range from the dark all the way to spiders. Not only that, but he is so paranoid, he feels the need to sleep with the lights on so the monsters in the closet won't come and attack him.
past Desmond had grown up in a good home, no problems and a safe environment. He went to a good school, and had a really awesome and nice family. He just had a fear... of basically everything. The list of things he wasn't scared of would most likely be short then what he was scared of. His dad got him countless therapists that never really helped him, sometimes made it worst. His mind was and still his pretty messed up.
His family consisted of his father and two sisters a brother-in-law and his father. Mother had died shortly after giving birth to Jane. Not natural or anything, it was a bullet to the head. She was the unlucky pedestrian walking fast a gang fight. She was a nice lady to, mother was. Desmond didn't understand why it had to be mother that had to die because of a quarrel between to unknown peoples. Desmond hated that so much.
The rest of his family was still living on. Only he seemed to be the only one that was scared of everything. Everyone else had a distinctive trait and outgoingness that let them be super social and giving off a fearless look to them. Even Jane was more of a man then Desmond was. Desmond just wasn't the luckiest of ducks.
Desmond's family has a special nickname for him. They call him Demon since it is the exact opposite of how he really is and it looks pretty close to his own name. Desmond didn't like it very much since it had nothing to do with how he was as a person. People could get the wrong impression of him when they call him Demon in public. Still Desmond won't day anything since he is afraid that he will get yelled at.
present Desmond right now is still living in his families apartment and is going to school as a high school freshman. He does have one friend that has learned to put up with his constant worrying and random freaks out that he has been having more than usual. But other then the unnamed friend people just seem to not talk to him. They don't have anything against Desmond just he is kind of creepy.
Now that his sister is moved out and married to Jake He no longer has to share a room with his father, it's a pretty big apartment, 3 rooms and all. The only reason that he didn't have a room to himself was that Kate through a fit about having to share a room with Jane so he ended up in Dad's room. But now that she was gone he got her room. Rather easily since his older sister a scary woman when she was angry. Then again everything scared Desmond.
family Derek Calhoun-father-38
Sally Calhoun-mother-deceased
Kate Moaster-older sister-23-married
Jake Moaster-Brother-in-law-24
Jane Calhoun-Younger sister-7
playing the guitar
loud noises
people in general
all of his many fears
thunder storms
other notes Despite being scared of most everything, he sings pretty well and can play the guitar well.
book title Bambi
backstory Basically Bambi is about a young deer hailed as the 'Prince of the Forest' at his birth. As Bambi grows, he makes friends with the other animals of the forest, learns the skills needed to survive, and even finds love. One day, however, the hunters come, and Bambi must learn to be as brave as his father if he is to lead the other deer to safety.
name Marisa
age 14
gender female
rp experience 4
how you found ouac neopets
rp sample Crunch, crunch, splish, crunch. Crunch, chrunch, splish, crunch. The sound of shoes as they crushed the snow below them. A continuous pattern of shoe against snow as he continued. Most people held umbrella’s above their heads blocking out the black snow. No not the boy, he let the ugly things fall and melt atop his head, as if he cared that it was pullulated. People had caused the pollution, they should face it head on instead of hiding from it under an umbrella. It was pretty pathetic, that his species was full of wimps like the city of Chicago. How very annoying it was to watch grown men and women huddling under their umbrellas.
But that wasn’t why the boy was here today. Not to rant on about how people can’t take what’s coming to them, but something more precious and important. For about almost 7 months now the boy had been bestowed with something amazing, a dragon. Magnificent creatures dragons are, but this was no Harry Potter this was the Real world, a Real dragon. Not that animated crap they have in movies. But as always of human nature, anything new and unheard of was something to fear, so naturally he couldn’t just walk down a busy Chicago street with a child dragon trailing at his feet. It would create nothing more than mass hysteria. Unfortunately for the boy, his dragon was starting to grow in size, and he and his dragon were now about the same height and could no longer fit snuggly inside his coat. So now instead of walking straight to the dragon post, he had to take detours through alleyways and deserted streets so they wouldn’t draw any attention while his adolescent dragon playfully nudged him trying to get his rider to play with him. It was hard enough to keep out of site from the public, but when your dragon isn’t trying to lay low it just makes it harder.
“Stop it, Damien!” The boy finally snapped shocking the dragon to stop. He sighed rolling his eyes his dragon was giving him the puppy dog look. The boy shook his head how something that would grow into a dangerous beast could look so pathetic and innocent right now. He patted his buddy’s neck, “Sorry Damien, we need to be quiet though.” Damien didn’t seem to get the message and only understood that his rider wasn’t angry with him anymore. Thankful to see the dragon post now the boy smiled. The gray snow was starting to pile up, and he hoped that the dragon post had showers. That would be nice.
Looking at Damien he wondered what it would be like when he could finally ride his dragon. 3 months ago at a dragon post in Buffalo, New York, someone had told him that Damien was a dragon that specialized in speed. Though its offensive attacks and defense weren’t the strongest it was a fast dragon. Just looking at its build you could tell. Damien was very aerodynamic, his wings were sleek and long folding against his sides fairly well and his body wasn’t bugling and rough. His face was at a point which probably made it easier to cut through the wind. Then his tail, it was harder to explain the tail, but he guessed it looked like any other tail of a dragon.
In his thoughts about his dragon the boy realized in subconsciously made his way to the Dragon post. Luckily since Damien was a dragon built for speed despite his size he could still easily fit through the door built for human use. Normal people didn’t come to the dragon post since only dragon riders could get through the security which was all you had to do was show the guy at the door you had a dragon and you could get in.
Inside the boy always liked to look around, and see the differences between this dragon post and the last. This place had a nice wooden floor and gave a more welcoming atmosphere than the Buffalo post. He liked it better. Running a hand through red hair on top his head he moved his hand away seeing the gray snow had stuck itself quite nicely to him and Damien. He was about 17 or something. He couldn’t really remember, but was pretty sure he was 17. Blinking he stared at the man at the bar with the foresty type green eyes. “I’m Ace, Ace Hustch. Can you get me a room?”