Post by magicmaaaan on Aug 4, 2010 20:00:40 GMT -5
...Reganold Patryk McGee*
*Asante sana squash banana!!*
[/size]*Asante sana squash banana!!*
name Reganold
nickname Reggie .... dude
age Sixtey Eight
gender ah, male
grade senior... citizen
hometown new york
sexuality drugs not hugs
personification RAFIKI
status DORMANT
face claim Christopher Lloyd
hair color Frizzy , thinning and white
eye color black
build lanky, thin, his bones show
height freakishly tall for his age
clothing style lab coats. lots and lots of lab coats.
distinctive traits his eyes are never usually in the same direction and he will most likely always have goggles on his balding head.
personality Reggie has a bad habit, a bad habit for drugs. He LOVES the high he gets from, well, getting high. Reg tries not to in the mornings when he has classes to teach, but when you need a smoke you need a smoke. Since he has no life, Reg's drugs are the highlight of his acid-induced day.
He's a violent little bugger. Reggie will not hesitate to throw things at or whack a student. It never fails to amaze him how kids today lack respect. and He will beat that respect into them. Reggie will blame it on his old age too, because it's probably partly true. If you back talk him, you WILL pay.
Reggie loves anything to do with monkey business. He will goof off and be silly and pull pranks just like the students. He hasn't been caught, not once. It could be because he was a teacher, but his use of narcotics lead him not to care in the least. Hooray for tomfoolery.
present In his for-crap apartment, Reggie meditates most always when he isn't slaving for people over at Baum. He teaches, well, substitute teaches. Preferring the arts to science. Logical thinking is not a strength of his. Not at all.
During the small amount of time Reggie isn't working or meditating, he's out smoking it up with the other New York druggies. So he may be completely serious or absolutely bonkers. You'll know he's high though. Reggie has a tendency to talk in olde English. hanging with Reggie is always a fun time though.
+ pot
+ hitting people
+ giving zen life lessons
+ yelling
+ explosions
+ pot
- People who harsh the mood
- disruptive kids
- cops
- listening to people
- being direct
- coldness
other notes He's crazy. And high most of the time.
the lion king T
backstory SEE HERE:
name Rebecca
age twelve for a few more months P:
gender *looks in pants* female
rp experience FIVE YEARS BITCHES!!1!!!1!111!!1!!!!
how you found ouac *points to self* I was OUAC's Midwife.
rp sample Isaak, Robby