November mentioned Jackson coming over to pick up the laptop she fixed for him, but after she got dressed. Platonic as they were and unintentional as it was, it made Grace angry and squeeze a stuffed animal and she doesn't know why.
wheretherumhasgone = andie read
cereal_killer = ozzie wagers
amazingGrace = grace holladay
hanukahmatata = jackson hirsch
Jay_Smack = theor trolling chandler antrim
wheretherumhasgone: What did the stuffed animal do to you?amazingGrace: Nothing. He did nothing to me. At all.amazingGrace: Nothing .-.wheretherumhasgone: Well stop trying to rip off it's head. o.O i've never seen you angry before.hanukahmatata: why are you angry, hollie?cereal_killer: Woah what is thisamazingGrace: I'm not angry!wheretherumhasgone: (small) ozzie we know what it is duhhanukahmatata: yes you are. i can feel it from the library. D:amazingGrace: Gosh. I'm just. I don't know. Working on my grip strength since I don't have one of the actual tool things... .-.hanukahmatata: .....are you lying to me?amazingGrace: Seriously. Not angry.wheretherumhasgone: (small) /staaaaaaaying out of thishanukahmatata: .....amazingGrace: No! Uhh. nslelsjdcereal_killer: (small) /slides into corner with AndieamazingGrace: I'm sorry ;-;
amazingGrace: .-.hanukahmatata: Grace, I know what the keyboard mash is.
hanukahmatata: Why are you sorry?amazingGrace: Cusiliedimnotreallydoingthatiamangryidontunderstandwhy
amazingGrace: ;___; I am a horrible person.hanukahmatata: .... It's okay to be angry sometimes.
hanukahmatata: You are not!amazingGrace: I don't get angry though it's weird I don't like it and I don't even know why.
amazingGrace: (small) yesiamhanukahmatata: Well, let's figure it out! When did you start getting angry?
hanukahmatata: and (big) you are a wonderful personamazingGrace: idrathernot. Umm.
amazingGrace: thank you .//.
amazingGrace: but um. November. but she's so nice and I like her she's a friend.hanukahmatata: she's a good friend, yeah. was it something she said?amazingGrace: I think so?hanukahmatata: Okay. Why don't you read through the history?amazingGrace: ummmmdjsksosj. I'd rather not say what it is. Very embarrassing, really.hanukahmatata: That's fine if you don't. As long as you know, right?amazingGrace: Right!
amazingGrace: I feel better now! Confused, but happy! :3
amazingGrace: You're such a great friend<3hanukahmatata: It be easier if you told me what was wrong, but since you feel better, yaaay!
hanukahmatata: You're a better friend<3amazingGrace: Oh well it'd probably freak you out haha...
amazingGrace: ...Well, you're the best.hanukahmatata: Hollie, do you know the people I hang out with? Freaking me out isn't easy to do.
hanukahmatata: what no you're the best, duh!amazingGrace: No like scare you away. You wouldn't want to talk to me anymore because it'd be weird.
amazingGrace: you're the best x infinity HA!hanukahmatata: ..... Hollie, no matter what you do or say, I will never not want to talk to you. Trust me.amazingGrace: ... Yeah. I feel the same way about you. .////.hanukahmatata: :3amazingGrace: Wow. So many feelings going on. Haha. I don't know what's up or down .///.Jay_Smack: The ceiling is up...the floor is down... Just an fyi... -vanishes-hanukahmatata: Yeah. Uh. Feelings.amazingGrace: o-ohanukahmatata: .....thank you for the clarification.amazingGrace: I'm glad you understand me :3hanukahmatata: (small)i wish I'm glad we understand each other.hanukahmatata: :3amazingGrace: No one gets me like you do :)
amazingGrace: <3hanukahmatata: Ditto. <3amazingGrace: ydydudududu I don't know what my brain's doing right now.hanukahmatata: I get like that sometimes, too. xDamazingGrace: I've been getting it a lot lately D:
hanukahmatata: Me too. It's... odd.
amazingGrace: I wonder why...When do you feel that way?
hanukahmatata: ...often. how about you?
amazingGrace: All the time. Usually when I'm hanging out with you, actually.
hanukahmatata: Really? Uhh, me too.
amazingGrace: Wow...that can't be a coincidence. Haha. .-.
hanukahmatata: Yeah. That's, uh, weird. I guess.
amazingGrace: I wonder why....
amazingGrace: ypdupspsyptwtowyla$,&;/97/
amazingGrace: Ooh! Mr Mittens walked over the keyboard!
hanukahmatata: Yeah. Me too.
amazingGrace: His way of saying hi, I guess.
hanukahmatata: Haha, tell Mr. Mittens I said hi!
amazingGrace: Jackson...
amazingGrace: do you think we'll always be friends?
hanukahmatata: ....well i'll make sure we're never enemies.
mazingGrace: God I hope that never happens! I'd cry so much it'd be awful :c
hanukahmatata: I'd never leave my house! D: it would be worse than anything ever.
amazingGrace: Don't leave me and I will never leave you <3
hanukahmatata: I would never think of it. <3
amazingGrace: I really don't know what I'd do without you!
amazingGrace: Life would be boring.
amazingGrace: I'd probably go to Hungary with my parents.
hanukahmatata: It would barely be a life, Grace.
hanukahmatata: I'd just go to Iowa and live with my mum. I guess.
amazingGrace: We wouldn't be much without each other, would we? :3
hanukahmatata: No, not much at all.
amazingGrace: You know, that soup's made me feel so much better. You're amazing for doing that~
hanukahmatata: After all you've done for me? It was the least I could do, love. :D
amazingGrace: Oh, you're talking me up. I just do what anyone would >///<
hanukahmatata: Not everyone would, though. Or could.
hanukahmatata: And I've never talked you up. If anything, I haven't said enough about the wonderful things about you. :3
amazingGrace: Well if people wouldn't do anything for you, they're crazy. You're an amazing person!
amazingGrace: Shucks, Jackson. You're so nice to me >///////<
hanukahmatata: So are you. Which, by extension, makes us superamazing as a pair. <3
amazingGrace: It does! We are a killer pair. We make all the other pairs jealous <3
hanukahmatata: Definately, Grace. <33
amazingGrace: ... :D <333
amazingGrace: Andie's been gone forever...I wonder what her and Ozzie are doing O_O
amazingGrace: They're so adorable, though. Everyone should have that.
hanukahmatata: I wouldn't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to
hanukahmatata: And everyone will have that, eventually. Maybe even us.
amazingGrace: Yeah...yeah I'd rather not know! Hahaha...we know how Ozzie is.
amazingGrace: ...
amazingGrace: You think?
hanukahmatata: Yeah.
amazingGrace: I'd love that to happen.
amazingGrace: Preferably soon .///. Hahaha...
hanukahmatata: Haha. Like right now?
amazingGrace: Oh! Well I mean if. You know. If things were right why not?
hanukahmatata: Are they not right?
amazingGrace: I think so.
hanukahmatata: Then is there a question in there, Grace?
amazingGrace: Yeah, well. I have a question but .... .////////.
hanukahmatata: I mean...
amazingGrace: What?
hanukahmatata: Well, I mean, I meant... uhm.
hanukahmatata: I have a question for you, actually.
amazingGrace: Really?
amazingGrace: What is it, Jackson?
hanukahmatata: Well... I don't know if it's right to ask you over the internet. Class and all.
amazingGrace: Oh.
amazingGrace: Ohhhhh.
hanukahmatata: I guess... I don't know. It's a little weird for me.
hanukahmatata: Is Andie still with Ozzie, you think?
hanukahmatata: ....Grace?
amazingGrace: Yeah, she hasn't come back.
amazingGrace: Yes?
hanukahmatata: Cool. Uh, mind if I come over?
amazingGrace: Not at all!! I just need a moment.
amazingGrace: I uh. Knocked over a glass of soda.
amazingGrace: >////>
hanukahmatata: Nice, love. XD
amazingGrace: yeah...haha. I got a little excited and bam there goes my sprite x3
hanukahmatata: At least it's white soda. Haha...
But I'm excited too. I don't think I can wait. I just don't know how to word... things.
amazingGrace: Yeah. No stain to worry about!
amazingGrace: I'm sure you can figure it out. You word things perfectly :3
hanukahmatata: You'd be surprised. Uhh.
hanukahmatata: Would you...
hanukahmatata: Sometime. Uh.
hanukahmatata: maybe
amazingGrace: ...
hanukahmatata: we could...?
amazingGrace: Yes. Yes yes yes yes.
amazingGrace: Yes.
hanukahmatata: .....<3333
amazingGrace: !!!!!
amazingGrace: <333
cereal_killer: Isn't this touching? :D
amazingGrace: >///////<
wheretherumhasgone: ASDFGHJKL;
amazingGrace: Thanks? Haha
amazingGrace: Andie :3
hanukahmatata: ...I was wondering if you guys would come rub it in. :/
cereal_killer: she's probably gonna be freaking for a moment.
wheretherumhasgone: HOW DO YOU
WORDScereal_killer: Oh I'm here to rub it all in.
wheretherumhasgone: NIGBJKFLJKFNVKS
cereal_killer: ;D
wheretherumhasgone: JDVBLNSOIWEHVK;
wheretherumhasgone: XVJBLSAVD
amazingGrace: I DONT KNOW
wheretherumhasgone: no rly gyus ask ozzie i literly SCREAMED
hanukahmatata: Not today, Ozzie bby.
cereal_killer: She really did
cereal_killer: Okay okay it can wait bby
hanukahmatata: Wow, Andie. I didn't even scream (small) loud
amazingGrace: I don't think we need to ask Ozzie XD
hanukahmatata: I heard it all the way from the library.
amazingGrace: I might have. You know. just a little one. .-.
cereal_killer: Grace no we heard you from my room.
cereal_killer: And then I heard you say "no come back kitty!" So I'm guessing you scared the cat away.
hanukahmatata: Awww, Mr. Mittens. xD
amazingGrace: Ozzie! .-.
hanukahmatata: wait, andie, what's the best thing that's ever happened in this chat? o.O
wheretherumhasgone: (small) tacos i met ozzie. :D
amazingGrace: Yeah. I startled him a bit.
cereal_killer: tacooosssss
cereal_killer: Awww. And i met YOU.
wheretherumhasgone: awww <3
hanukahmatata: (small) wow really you're bringing this up now d'awww
cereal_killer: And then we had a surprise rendezvous in the cafeteria late at night but.
cereal_killer: NOT THE TIME
amazingGrace: Awww you guys that's so sweet
cereal_killer: SHE DOESNT EVEN GO HERE
amazingGrace: ...Yes Andie does go here?
wheretherumhasgone: <3333
wheretherumhasgone: .....We're watching Mean Girls.
wheretherumhasgone: Later.
amazingGrace: Mean Girls?
wheretherumhasgone: It's a movie.
hanukahmatata: I've never seen it either, don't worry.
amazingGrace: Oh thank god. I thought I was left out of something again :(
hanukahmatata: I'll never let that happen ever again <3
cereal_killer: Okay we're all watching Mean Girls.
amazingGrace: dnskslsksn
wheretherumhasgone: ozzie y u steal my idea
amazingGrace: <333
cereal_killer: Cus you stole...
my heart ;D
amazingGrace: I can't words, as Andie would say XD
awwwwww how cheesy i love you. <3
hanukahmatata: Yeah, words is a difficult thing to do sometimes. XD
cereal_killer: I love you too <3
amazingGrace: Aww
hanukahmatata: I bet I love someone more than you guys love each other combined.
amazingGrace: Words haven't agreed with me today >_<
amazingGrace: I bet I know who that is! And she loves you back just as much...maybe even more.
hanukahmatata: I doubt it. <333333
wheretherumhasgone: look ozzie they're trying to compete with us
and it's workingamazingGrace: Well I do <333333
cereal_killer: Darn them!
hanukahmatata: Well, I love her the most x infinity.
wheretherumhasgone: ozzie if they keep this up you might want to get your ears checked
amazingGrace: Well I love him ... x infinity squared.
cereal_killer: Probably.
hanukahmatata: .......I love her x infinity
to the infinite poweramazingGrace: no thats not fair I can't follow that up :(
amazingGrace: But I love him just the same.
hanukahmatata: muahaha. <33
amazingGrace: <3333
amazingGrace: Oh mum's calling. I better go and tell her. You know. News :3
hanukahmatata: I should tell my mum. :D Though it might take a while...
amazingGrace: Yeah. Mums are like that XD
amazingGrace: Bye everyone!
amazingGrace: ...I love you Jackson :3
hanukahmatata: I love you, Grace. <3
amazingGrace: <33